Game of The Year 2020

대상 : O.N.U Werewolf

다시 모두 모여 Werewolf 플레이 할 수 있길 바라며..

 B’s Pick O.N.U Werewolf Table Tennis Gaia Project
 H’s Pick O.N.U Werewolf Viticulture Prêt-à-Porter

2인플상 : Viticulture (Tuscany)

라지셀러를 지었어야ㅋ

B’s Pick Table Tennis Gaia Project Viticulture
H’s Pick Viticulture Maracaibo Gaia Project

4-5인플상 : Prêt-à-Porter

거의 5시간을 플레이 했지만, 체감은 1시간

 B’s Pick Climate Evolution Prêt-à-Porter Viticulture
 H’s Pick Prêt-à-Porter Climate Evolution Orleans

파티상 : Table Tennis

집들이 탁구 토너먼트가 꿀잼

 B’s Pick O.N.U Werewolf Table Tennis Avalon
 H’s Pick Table Tennis O.N.U Werewolf Avalon

Top 10 Games

Top 10 Games B.Yoon H.Choi
1 Gaia Project Viticulture
2 Climate Evolution Prêt-à-Porter
3 Viticulture Climate Evolution
4 Prêt-à-Porter Maracaibo
5 Tzolk’in Gaia Project
6 O.N.U Werewolf Wingspan
7 Maracaibo O.N.U Werewolf
8 Orléans Scythe
9 El Grande Tzolk’in
10 Scythe El Grande


 아깝다상 B.Yoon H.Choi
1 Pandemic Legacy S1 Pandemic Legacy S1
2 Splendor Terraforming Mars